What graphic card should i get?


Sep 15, 2009
I want something cheap, i don't need amazing gaming graphics. I only play like one game which has crummy graphics so im not looking for something high end. Just something that'll be good for watching movies on my 19" (lol).

So what do you guys suggest? I'm shopping on Newegg fyi
if you don't need card for heavy gaming you can try to look at these: HD4550 / 9400GT / 9500GT. try to get the cheapest one between these cards.

but if you need decent performance on playing new games then get HD4650 (GDDR3 model) / HD4670 / 9600GSO / 9600GT. they will do fine in medium setting and even in high setting depending on the game you're playing.

something like this might worth to get:



Feb 21, 2009
Another +1 for 4650/4670. Low power, ok performance if you ever need it at a cheap price. I've used the 4670 in quite a few builds for a lot of people and they seem to love it.

What are your full system specs?
What resolution does your monitor run at (assuming 1280x1024?) and what do you have for a PSU?
Just what game are you playing and how demanding is it really?
It may be that your current GPU is fine for you but the rest of the system is totaly outdated...

Without knowing the above, I would have to say the above 9600GSO is an excellent choice.
Decent performance and a price you can not beat.

Price you can't beat? For 6$ more you can get a card that does laps on that one.

Alas, he does have a point. What's your power supply?

Yup, your current NV8 series card will work just fine in your new system.
That sound card will also work and, if you already have it, I guess you could use it.
Still, if you can trade it for a non Creative card (the ASUS Xonar line is very nice) that would be your best option.

So, new system consist of a dual core Intel (I sure as hell hope not a P4D...) and a P45 motherboard.
Perhaps if you posted what exactly your current 8800 series card is, GPU budget, PSU and screen resolution we could locate you a GPU...


Sep 15, 2009

I am actually now thinking of picking up a Quad instead of the dual. Im looking for one now.

Im not exactly sure as what gpu/psu stands for? Sorry lol.

My Screen Rez is 1280 by 1024


Sep 15, 2009
Idk about my budget for the GPU, just something relatively cheap.
The PSU i have from my old desktop is 490 watt, but pretty loud, but i think ill just use that and use the psu budget towards higher end video or hard drive.


Sep 15, 2009
Well, the 8800 is in my old PC, im currently using my brothers, which has the standard video card for a dell dimension 5150 minitower in it. The games i play seem to run well, and are rarely laggy. I just want to not be limited to sub-standard gaming. Like can i play Battlefield 2142 on the 8800?