What graphics card could I run off this 600W PSU?


Nov 17, 2014
So my PSU is terrible and I want to get this: (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Corsair-Builder-Series-Modular-Certified/dp/B00ALYOTTI/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top) but I don't know what I would be able to run off it. I have an FX6300, a 1TB hard drive, a dvd drive and a couple of lights, What would be the best possible GPU I could run off this?
Most of xfx's psu's they're selling now (if not all) are rebadged seasonic. Seasonic is one of the industry leaders as a psu manufacturer. Was that an issue with much older xfx psu's?

Without insane overclocks, a ton of hard drives or anything else I think a good quality solid 650w unit should handle an r9 280x.

I was only planning something like a 750Ti lol but I might go for a 980 or something further down the line
Something like these:





Any of these would be a better power supply than the builder series, especially if you're looking to run a 980 in the future. Unfortunately they get good ratings because they're cheap, people like cheap. They're not completely terrible, it's not as bad as say an unbranded unit - but they do use lower quality parts and there are better quality psu's out there. Especially if you plan to keep your power supply awhile.

Do you reckon it would be possible to power an R9 280X, or is that asking a bit much?

Anything but the Corsair CX series uses poor capacitors. Get a power supply manufactured by XFX or Seasonic.

Don't buy XFX, their QC is terrible, I have had many PSU's explode out of the box.
Most of xfx's psu's they're selling now (if not all) are rebadged seasonic. Seasonic is one of the industry leaders as a psu manufacturer. Was that an issue with much older xfx psu's?

Without insane overclocks, a ton of hard drives or anything else I think a good quality solid 650w unit should handle an r9 280x.