what graphics card for high settings 1080p gaming?


May 3, 2013

I'm currently researching my first build and was wondering on what a decent graphics card would be to get acceptable fps on high settings. I play rts and fps so will probably buy bf3 etc. I also do a fair amount of editing.

I’m keen to keep the build cheap (for instance I’m using my hdtv), but don't mind investing where I need to help with future proofing.

There is so much talk of SLI and crazy expensive cards it’s hard to judge the price point for sensible, but still decent without going mad!

Your thoughts appreciated.

Really hard to judge unless you have a budget/need your PC specs,

I guess the bare minimum to handle BF3 on high settings @ 60FPS + is the 7870

I also vote for the Tahiti LE, best bang for buck at 1080p.
My mate has one and we both game at 2560x1440 and I don't notice much difference than my stock clocked 7950.