What graphics card should get?


Apr 25, 2016
I need to upgrade my graphics card But Friends told me to wait till 2017 but i really don't know what should i get i could at least spend over $400.

My pc parts i already have.
EVGA GeForce GTX 960 4GB

Intel Core i5 6600K 3.90 GHz Quad Core Skylake. I OC to 4.5

Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4

Gigabyte LGA1151 Intel Z170 ATX Motherboard ATX DDR4

Corsair CX750M Power Supply
Looks like you have a fairly strong system now, but the question is what resolution are you wanting to game at? For 1080p the card to have is the GTX 1060. If you are at 1440p, the GTX 1070. If at 4k, you guessed it, the GTX 1080. But another big thing is, what games are you playing? If you are already stressing your video card with what you are playing, then yes, upgrade. If you are barely putting any load on your GPU, then there is no sense in upgrading. From where you are now, I personally would not upgrade to anything lower than a 1070, but that's me. I hope this helps.
Looks like you have a fairly strong system now, but the question is what resolution are you wanting to game at? For 1080p the card to have is the GTX 1060. If you are at 1440p, the GTX 1070. If at 4k, you guessed it, the GTX 1080. But another big thing is, what games are you playing? If you are already stressing your video card with what you are playing, then yes, upgrade. If you are barely putting any load on your GPU, then there is no sense in upgrading. From where you are now, I personally would not upgrade to anything lower than a 1070, but that's me. I hope this helps.

The reason i wanna upgrade its i tried BF1 Beta And i had hard time to play on high with over 50 Fps. And i do play
high quality games sometime i have to push my gpu oc till it crash. And im looking for 1080p or higher but not to point for 4k just too much for me.

I don't sell my unused parts i don't know i like to keep them. And i cpuld go with 1070 but is it worth to wait till new year?

But is it worth it to wait till the new year?

I've never been a fan of playing the waiting game if I need a new GPU right now. The GTX 10 series and AMD RX series are new - you might get a small decrease in price by waiting, but again, it doesn't seem worth it to me.
I don't think that waiting is the way to go. If you are dead set on buying something because what you have now won't do it, then go ahead and pull the trigger. Like Jeffredo said, you might save a few bucks by waiting, but you'll save a lot of headache and heartache is you do it now.

Alright then i guess i'm going with gtx 1070.
Thank you

Sound Good ill just go with gtx 1070

Thank you.