I'm about to build up my PC and would like to play like battlefield 3 and COD, but I would only like to spend $150 on a new graphics card. What should I get? I would like the game play to look good. Also I will be getting a new PSU what wattage would be good for me?
comments, suggestion and opinions will be appreciated
AMD athlon IIx2 250u Processor 1.60 GHZ
4.00 GB RAM
750 GB Hard Drive
Windows 7 64 bit
im about to buy a Corsair 700w PSU
and also i am upgrading my CPU
I was thinking about getting this graphics card http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130625
comments, suggestion and opinions will be appreciated
AMD athlon IIx2 250u Processor 1.60 GHZ
4.00 GB RAM
750 GB Hard Drive
Windows 7 64 bit
im about to buy a Corsair 700w PSU
and also i am upgrading my CPU
I was thinking about getting this graphics card http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130625