My friend was looking for an upgrade for the graphics card in his desktop PC. He has a hard budget of $150 (including shipping and taxes) and we've been browsing for cards. He wants to mainly use it for gaming, but doesn't care too much about quality. As long as the game runs (good fps) the graphics quality doesn't matter too much. Some of the games he is interested in playing is Warframe and Siege. Possibly Nier Automata, Subnautica, and Soul Suspect. Some contenders for the card are the GTX 1050 TI and the Radeon RX 570. However, we are not sure if they would be compatible with his computer.
His PC specs:
Processor- AMD FX(tm)- 4130 Quad-Core Processor
RAM- 16 GB (8 GB initially, 2x4GB sticks added)
Video Card- Radeon HD 6670
His PC specs:
Processor- AMD FX(tm)- 4130 Quad-Core Processor
RAM- 16 GB (8 GB initially, 2x4GB sticks added)
Video Card- Radeon HD 6670