[SOLVED] What graphics card would be best for gaming within a $150 budget for a desktop?

Jun 15, 2020
My friend was looking for an upgrade for the graphics card in his desktop PC. He has a hard budget of $150 (including shipping and taxes) and we've been browsing for cards. He wants to mainly use it for gaming, but doesn't care too much about quality. As long as the game runs (good fps) the graphics quality doesn't matter too much. Some of the games he is interested in playing is Warframe and Siege. Possibly Nier Automata, Subnautica, and Soul Suspect. Some contenders for the card are the GTX 1050 TI and the Radeon RX 570. However, we are not sure if they would be compatible with his computer.
His PC specs:
Processor- AMD FX(tm)- 4130 Quad-Core Processor
RAM- 16 GB (8 GB initially, 2x4GB sticks added)
Video Card- Radeon HD 6670
Ok, buckle up there are several things to note here.

Both cards are going to be several times more powerful than the HD 6670 that your friend is currently running, so you can't really lose with either one.

That being said, the RX 570 is around 30% faster than the 1050 Ti: link

This might make you think that 570 is the better buy, but there's a problem: power requirements.

Maximum power draw of the HD 6670: 66 Watts
Maximum power draw of the GTX 1050 Ti/Minimum Required Power Supply: 75 Watts/300 Watts: link
Maximum power draw of the RX 570/Minimum Required Power Supply: 150 Watts/450 Watts: link

As you can see, the power draw of the RX 570 is double that of the 1050 Ti. A 450 watt power supply is required for...
I'm going to need a few more details in order to properly help:

What is the target resolution and refresh rate of his monitor?
What is the Age and Wattage of his power supply?

Resolution: 1920x1080
Refresh Rate: 60 Hz
Power Supply: 400 Watts, approximately 5 years since the PC was acquired (not sure how else to tell age)

Appreciate the help.
Ok, buckle up there are several things to note here.

Both cards are going to be several times more powerful than the HD 6670 that your friend is currently running, so you can't really lose with either one.

That being said, the RX 570 is around 30% faster than the 1050 Ti: link

This might make you think that 570 is the better buy, but there's a problem: power requirements.

Maximum power draw of the HD 6670: 66 Watts
Maximum power draw of the GTX 1050 Ti/Minimum Required Power Supply: 75 Watts/300 Watts: link
Maximum power draw of the RX 570/Minimum Required Power Supply: 150 Watts/450 Watts: link

As you can see, the power draw of the RX 570 is double that of the 1050 Ti. A 450 watt power supply is required for the RX 570 and you have a 400 Watt PSU. Under no circumstances will your friend be able to run the RX 570 with his current PSU.

Thus, he has 2 options:
  1. Buy the GTX 1050 Ti
  2. Buy the RX 570 and a 450 watt PSU

Tom's Hardware Best PSUs: Link Your best option would be the Corsair CX450 which can be found on newegg for $70 with shipping included. Of course, with your friend's $150 hard limit, there's not enough money left over for the RX 570 anymore.

So its either the 1050 Ti and stay within budget, or the RX 570 with 30% better performance but over-budget.
Alternatively, if your friend can go slightly over budget, his best option would be a GTX 1650 Super.

It's 20% faster than the RX 570, doesn't require he upgrade his power supply, and retails for $190 or so on newegg. It'll also run cooler and thus quieter than the RX 570.

Cheap option: GTX 1050 Ti

Best overall improvement: GTX 1650 Super (80% more powerful than the 1050 Ti, only $40 over budget)
Alternatively, if your friend can go slightly over budget, his best option would be a GTX 1650 Super.

It's 20% faster than the RX 570, doesn't require he upgrade his power supply, and retails for $190 or so on newegg. It'll also run cooler and thus quieter than the RX 570.

Cheap option: GTX 1050 Ti

Best overall improvement: GTX 1650 Super (80% more powerful than the 1050 Ti, only $40 over budget)

Appreciate all the help. I've relayed all this information to him.

A Formerly Confused Ape