what happened with gtx 960 amp zotac??


Aug 17, 2018
I change my gpu from gtx 650 ti boost to gtx 960 zotac amp and I have done all things I know but the performance of the gpu is still bad I always got drop in any games. Please help me how can I fix it? I see the temperature of the gpu is not far from normal its between 81-82 when I play rise of tomb raider and 72-74 when I play gta v

my spec are : intel i5 3570
corsair vs 450w
8gb ddr3 ram

I've done : ddu, reset bios, uninstall driver, flash the card, flash back the card with the ori
make sure you uninstall all gpu drivers and start from scratch. you may have left old drivers in which can be conflicting with current ones or possibly forgot to update the drivers. Then you need to run a bench test and record the results. If the frames are as bad as you say they are and not hitting what typical bench mark results are, your card is either defective, or your power supply is not providing enough juice to the card.
well when I bench mark the card it have a better score than my old card, 2 times better than my old card score and the psu I thought it have the power it have 34A rail

I bench using heaven bench mark
Compare your bench mark scores to average scores with a similar set up.

Also, like I said, remove all of your drivers for all GPU's and start from scratch. That should resolve any software issues if there are any that are contributing to the issues you are having.
ok, I've been bech the card with heaven benchmark 3.0 with the comparison in here : https://www.hardwarebbq.com/zotac-gtx-960-amp-edition-2gb-gddr5-gpu-review/all/1/

the result is my gpu have a litte higher fpf and score compare to the link I got

my gpu bench are :
at preset 1 fps:178.5 score:4498
at preset 2 fps:101,4 score:2555
at preset 3 fps:59.5 score:1499

I don't have unigine heaven 4.0 I am on the way download it
I've been bench with heaven 4.0 similar with the link that you give and the result is my fps 44.6 score is 1123, that's a bit higher I think because I am in 1600x900 resolution.

But the minimum fps I got is just 8.0
the maximum fps is 99.4
so this is such a very bad card? can I play game without lag? I do test the gpu in gta v, witcher 3, and rise of tomb raider and all lag in game I have try all setting in game but no use. It feel like this card have no power to accelerate the game. I see max temp in hwbench is 81c if I need to fixing the driver then how to do it??
aaa I found something weird in hwbench and in gpuz sensor the gpu max clock is 1392MHz but in graphic card information at gpu z the boost is just 1329MHz
Clock speed changes constantly. You were likely seeing a temporary boost to the clock speed. The 960 isn't a great card by todays standards. Especially in games with graphical demand like Witcher 3, and Tomb Raider.
Question from shalehha : "what happened to my gpu?"

You have now started six threads about your GTX 960 in just over 24 hours. If you continue to start new threads for the same issue, you will find yourself unable to participate in these forums.
"It's quite possible that this GPU has a hard life and it's failing, it's a serious risk of buying a used GPU, so hopefully you got a great price to compensate you for the risk".

Yeah Maybe That's The answer of all my tread thanks

if I knew about your statement I wont buy a used GPU. Thanks again you are very correct I think