What happens if I don't buy overclocked motherboard?


Dec 3, 2016
I want to buy a new PC with intel i5-6700k. What will happen if I want buy an overclocking motherboard? My friends tell me that my pc won't work well

You're welcome😀
They are wrong. Just because you purchase a K CPU and a non-K friendly motherboard the only issue will be no overclocking. It's not like the CPU is incompatible There is only a feature missing.

What is too expensive? You can probably find on for about $100. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130989 is a less expensive board that will happily accept either CPU but I recommend the i5 7600. No need for the K if...

What will happen if I want buy an overclocking motherboard?

What happens if I don't buy overclocked motherboard?

Your questions are arguing with each other. You should buy a Z170 board if you want a 6700K. Why not a 7700K? Z270 with the 7700K. Don't want to overclock? There are 6700 and 7700 CPUs that include the heatsink/fan.

Your PC will work fine if you don't buy an OC friendly board. The only issue will be the 6700K won't be overclockable. Very slight changes but nothing a Z170 board can offer the 6700K.

Did they mention any specific issue you might run into?
1 Sorry I meant 7600K
2 I don't want to buy an overclocking motherboard I just want to know what will happen if I won't use it (it's too expensive for me). They said that my pc will get blue screens and crash and at some point the proccessor will stop working
thx for answering :)

You're welcome😀
They are wrong. Just because you purchase a K CPU and a non-K friendly motherboard the only issue will be no overclocking. It's not like the CPU is incompatible There is only a feature missing.

What is too expensive? You can probably find on for about $100. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130989 is a less expensive board that will happily accept either CPU but I recommend the i5 7600. No need for the K if you aren't going to use it.

https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130993 isn't too expensive imo. The 7600K for that board.

I have a 4690K. Light overclocking isn't complicated. Do you want to know how I OC it from 3.5GHz up to 4.3GHZ?
I change 1 number(CPU Ratio). It's at 35 and I change it to 43.
yes but I did on many things this: "hey let's just upgrade it it's only 100$" and at the end it's 100$ times 4 or 5 so I'm "out of money". I will see if I should downgrade the CPU.
Thanks for the help! :)
Before buying a non K CPU, just remember even that you cannot overclock if you buy a non Z series chipset motherboard, the K models will still run at a faster clock speed.

The difference between 7600 and 7600K is 300Mhz and the K model only cost like $10-15 more.

Correct. The GFX card is almost like a PC on its own. It has its own motherboard, GPU, VRAM, heatsink etc. Some also ask about the GDDR5 and the system's DDR3 or DDR4. They do not need to be the same.