64bit is a better option for a lot of modern software and games. also 32bit versions of Windows can't run on 64bit UEFI systems, which the majority of new systems use.
and Windows 7/8/10(32 and 64bit versions) use ~1GB of RAM themselves so only having a spare 1GB for others programs and tasks will be a very limiting factor for a lot of software.
why do you want to remove 2GB? if you're looking to add it to another system, 8GB sets of RAM are very cheap nowadays.
both DDR3 & DDR4 starting at ~$35 for 2x 4GB and 4x 2GB sets: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&IsNodeId=1&N=100007611%20601190327%20601190328%20600006069%20600006071