What is a cyberpower pc? Are they good? And what's the best deal for around £500?


Aug 14, 2014
Hey all, I was told that the cyber power pcs are really good and mid price ranged. From the looks of it, you choose your parts and they put it together for you and it comes completed? Also, for my birthday in February I'm getting around a 450-530 ish gaming pc to run games like DayZ, Arma 3 etc smoothly, whichs parts should I pick to do that?

Thanks all.
That's a real tough price range....usually $600 is considered minimum.... personally, I tell peeps they'd be better off saving till they have around $850 and then building themselves. When you buy one, it's harder .... by the time the companies cover warranty, support and shipping, costs, monitor, KB, Mouse and OS, you have no money left fir anything that does the actual gaming.

February its too far away to give you a trustable recommendation especially on a low bucket since nvidia 800 series its coming in about a month and broadwell is coming by late 2014/early 2015