What is a good cheap motherboard for i7-6700k?


Sep 27, 2016
I was originally gonna go with the MSI Gaming M5 Z170A motherboard but I'm wondering if there are any cheaper and around same quality alternatives. I don't expect to overclock too much my CPU or anything else and I'm gonna start off with 1x8GB DDR4 2133 RAM HyperX Fury. Anything that'll fit well into my Corsair SPEC-03 case.
The Gaming M5 IS cheap. Check out the ASUS Premium price... Maybe the MSI M3 but pretty much any z170 board will do.. The Tomahawk is supposedly quite good and cheaper than the M3 too.
Pretty much any z170 motherboard would work. This one looks decent, but if you look you can find some as cheap as $100. https://pcpartpicker.com/product/qJbkcf/msi-motherboard-z170apcmate

Seeing as you want budget parts, it'd be a good idea to get an i5-6600k if all you're doing is gaming. You won't get too many benefits from an i7 unless you're doing something like rendering. Plus, it'll give you money to get 16 GB of RAM instead of 8. If you don't plan on overclocking, you could even get a non k CPU. You'd only need the stock cooler, meaning you won't have to buy a separate one, and you could opt for a cheaper motherboard that doesn't support overclocking.

I'm gonna stick with the i7 6700k since I bought it already for about $50 cheaper or so. I just want to know if there's a cheaper motherboard rather than the MSI Gaming M5 that will give me around the same quality but a cheaper price.