What is a good gaming keyboard?


Feb 25, 2014
I was going to purchase the G19s, but after reading the reviews I am looking elsewhere.
My preferences (they are not hardline):
1. Mechanical keys (somewhat quiet if possible)
2. Macro keys
3. Adjustable back lighting (variable colors if possible)
4. Windows key cut out switch
5. USB ports (if possible)
6. Scroll wheel (my favorite trackball doesn't have one.
I do like this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16823816013
that jnewegger23 recommended.
The k95 has 1 usb input in the rear; if you watch the video on newegg the girl shows it. As for the steel series apex I'm not so familiar with that but it looks decent and has a lot of the features you say you're looking for but it's not mechanical. Overall the reviews look good but it's not something I'd go for but wouldn't complain if I ended up with it either. Decent looking choice for what you say you are open to. Again, go to the big box stores and see if you can play with any of the keyboards there to get a sense of what matters most for you!
If you do get the k95 I'll be so jealous! That thing looks awesome!
How about the Roccat Ryos MK (blue lighting) or Razer Blackwidow Stealth (green lighting)? I don't know about the Ryos, but the Blackwidow has a "gaming mode" key that disables the Windows Key. Also 5 dedicated macro keys, and every single key can be programmed to anything you like. Neither has variable colors (in fact the Corsair might be the ONLY mechanical keyboard that offers that: http://www.tomshardware.com/news/corsair-cherry-mx-rgb-color-led-lights,25608.html ).
[strike]If you can live without the USB ports and mechanical keys, the take a look at the Logitech G510 or G510S. 18X3 macro keys (18 keys, 3 layers of macro programming = 54 macro settings) that are relatively easy to set up, on the fly macro programming.
It is quiet.
Variable color backlighting and variable brightness, but not individual keys; adjustments affect the entire board.[/strike]

That K95 is a really nice board; it wasn't around when I bought my 510 or I would have considered it. Good luck.
UPDATE: Please disregard the above lined out items. I just brought up Nitrium's link to the Tom's article. Get the K95. Hell, I might have to get a K95
For the sake of simplicity I'm cutting and pasting my last answer from the other thread:

First you might want to decide what's most important about a keyboard for you. Most gamers prefer cherry mx red actuation see:
There are alternatives to mechanical keyboards and most of today's keyboards are membrane type and much quieter but lack the responsiveness that most competitive gamers seek. So I really recommend walking into one of the big box stores nearby to get an idea of what mechanical sounds like and hopefully they carry different "flavors" of it to help you see what you can live with since we have a couple of months.

This said, if I were to buy a new keyboard today I'd strongly consider this:
This has all the features I look for and then some. This is pretty sweet looking too!

A second choice for me would be this:
You really can't go wrong either way but try to see what style of mechanical is "you".

This last keyboard I'm not really a fan of (nothing bad just not my preferences) but some love it and since you mentioned you liked the screen on the logitech you might like this one:

It seems everyone is saying go for the K95, which is a nice keyboard. So that will probably be it. One more question. Does it have any usb ports on it? It's not like I really need them, but I don't actually sit at a desk. My keyboard lays in my lap and my trackball sits on some cushions next to me. Very comfy. The wire to the trackball tends to get tangled in other things.

That is pretty cool. If it does end up costing less than 200 and is out before I need it, and it has macro keys, I'm in. But for now the K95 will do the job. What about the Steel Series Apex? That doesn't seem like a bad keyboard, and it is cheap on amazon ($89 us).


The k95 has 1 usb input in the rear; if you watch the video on newegg the girl shows it. As for the steel series apex I'm not so familiar with that but it looks decent and has a lot of the features you say you're looking for but it's not mechanical. Overall the reviews look good but it's not something I'd go for but wouldn't complain if I ended up with it either. Decent looking choice for what you say you are open to. Again, go to the big box stores and see if you can play with any of the keyboards there to get a sense of what matters most for you!
If you do get the k95 I'll be so jealous! That thing looks awesome!