What is a good search replacement?

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Jun 25, 2015
I hate Windows 7 search. It does not search on many folders, is slow, and a general pain ITA.

I found a good replacement in Voidtools Everything search, but it does connect and upload mysterious data to Microsoft websites.

Here is a screen capture:

A search software has no reason to be connecting to Internet, and this one moves gigabytes of data over the network. Across the day, it does the main network accumulated traffic.

I tried to block it with Windows Firewall, but that does not works. Firewall rules are ignored (I also tried Comodo Firewall, and it worked, but made Everything much slower and unresponsive.

So, I need a good search software, that just does the work, is fast, searches in all folders of any partition, and has no <mod edit>

<Watch your language in these forums>

Thanks for your recommendation.

I tried it, and I'm happy.
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