What is a network adapter


Aug 2, 2015
I know this may sound very nooby, but just built my own PC and it said that i needed a network adapter to connect to the internet. What is a network adapter and how does it work? Is it the same as a network driver? Please help!
The 'adapter' is the little hardware thing
The driver is the software that talks to the hardware.

Are you wanting to connect via an ethernet cable, or WiFi?
If an ethernet cable (recommended), that it built into the motherboard.
If WiFi, you'll need to buy something.
If you built a desktop PC, it is the network driver, or ethernet driver.

Some motherboards have Killer Ethernet ports, and they need to have the killer driver installed.

There should have been a CD with drivers that came with your motherboard that has those drivers on it. Intel Ethernet drivers should be installed by Windows if your motherboard has an actual Intel ethernet port.
Based on PCmag Encyclopedia:

"Also called a "network interface card" (NIC), a network adapter is a plug-in card that enables a computer to transmit and receive data on a local network. Today, the term refers to an Ethernet adapter, although in the past, Token Ring, LocalTalk and FDDI networks were used. A network adapter may also refer to a Wi-Fi adapter (see wireless adapter). Ethernet circuitry is built onto the motherboard of every new desktop and laptop computer, and plug-in cards (NICs) are generally only used in servers and high-end workstations. See Ethernet adapter, Token Ring, LocalTalk, FDDI and OSI model."
Nowadays, almost all motherboards have built-in network chips that function as the network adapters, so you won't need to buy one. If your OS says that you need it, it's possible that your motherboard doesn't come with one, and you will need to buy one and install it in the system. It is also possible that there may be already a network chip on the motherboard but the driver is not loaded or installed.

Just inspect the back of the case. If there is a ethernet port, a network chip is built in the motherboard, and it needs a driver. If there aren't any ethernet ports, you will need to buy one. I highly recommend a Intel NIC like one of these:

PCI-E version:
Intel Gigabit CT PCI-E Network Adapter EXPI9301CTBLK
PCI version: