What is a P.S.U


Aug 5, 2015
Ok so I'm hearing this alot psu so what is it an how do I upgrade it? as if you mean buy a more power full power pack say 400w or 500w it says on HP if I don't use the recommended pack I'll void my knowhow insurance? I've a good mind ring them an say hey I've never made a claim since 2012, you put the new gtx graphics card in an sort what not as I get a pc check-up yearly. So why shouldn't all that be covered guess I'm calling them later. Thanks! Emz
PSU stand for Power supply unit and from what i am understanding from your post it sound like you have an old computer made by HP. if you do chances are not good that any power supply you buy for it will be able to fit in the HP case because they are usually custom made and not standard like a PC you build

Old my pc is not that old to me? got it in late Dec 2012 Windows 8.1 now my other pc is a Dinosaur being a Packard Bell IMedia 5064 first edition XP Home upgraded most on that though, an I realised exactly what it stood for after I'd posted. Thanks for your response. Emz