What is a USM Drive? Is i like one of those "stick"drives, or an SSD. How is it used? And is it compatible with all software?


Apr 27, 2015
. I just bought a Seagate Business Storage NAS device with two (2) bays and came with a slot for a USM. I am always impressed when a Vendor includes something that can enhance the utility of a product, bunt I am never sure if this is some unique product exclusive to Seagate, or is it a generally accepted and mass produced type of drive, commonly available at a reasonable cost that s reliable, performs in conjunction with common software for devices, e.g. Windows AND Macs, etc.? How does such a device interface with any ruglar computer,.if it does sor? I have many more questions about this item, but I thought that in the interest of brevity, I shall stop here.