What is acceptable temps for a Q6600 under load???


Feb 12, 2007
I have my Q6600 overclocked to 3005.0 GHZ at 3.680 volts .... Idle temps 46-48 C and full seems to be around 68 C on watercooling is this ok???? what are people getting on air????? I went to the guy who I buy computer parts from and he says that it is way to high and should try re-seating the heatsink... I think these things just plain run that hot... Feedback???



May 27, 2007
hahahaha that is going to burn a hole in ur floor! That is way too hot for ur cpu. Is that oced to 30Ghz??? Well its not that bad butttt, its not good make sure ur water cooling unit tubing does not have any bubbles in it, cause thats bad...also make sure u have thermal past and the water block is fully covering ur cpu. Also I think ur vcore voltage is way too high and it 3Ghz not 300Ghz u mean 300Mhz. I feel ur vcore soul dbe no higher than 1.6v or 1.65v and ur max temp should be no higher than 50c-55c. You have some work to do my friend. GET TO IT AND FAST!! That temp is baking ur cpu.


Feb 12, 2007
Intel's recommendation for the quad's is no higher than a 1.350 vcore you have to remember 4 cores under one piece of silcon... I will reseat it tonight and let you know if it works..


Nov 11, 2006
quad chips are fine up to about 70c. These are hot chips. Vcore up to about 1.5 should also be no problem. A load temp of 35 on a quad just ain't gonna happen.
I think you meant to say something other than 3.680 volts - maybe 1.368?


Jul 29, 2007
Do you have the B3 or G0 stepping? My G0 is clocked the same as yours with less voltage on air and I have idles and load temps 10* cooler then yours. Is that the lowest stable voltage? I would try either lowering the voltage, or I would definitely look at reseating the block and checking for air bubbles.


Jul 7, 2008
i have a G0, and on air...in hot sunny cali...i was able to stay stable under full load at an average (across all cores) of 73....i was pushing 3.82...i have since backed off to 3.2 (which more than enough) and i hover about 48 idle to peaks of 65-68 ... all of this on air. i have had no problems yet...but i have worried about longevity. 3.82 ran orthos+nvidia demo+defrags+ plus 3 monitoring programs for an hour with no faults....but i was waiting for the BOOM....it seems so far to be happy about 65 all day...so far.


Jun 8, 2009

I have q6600 on striker extreme, everything WC, with 2x120mm radiators - NEXXOS Extreme. At watercooling system, the case temperature is vital. I think that if your room temperature is above 26 celsus you have problems - I recommend 22 degress and a good ventilations that keeps inside unde 25 degrees - but here is the problem, you have to balance this somehow, because dust rapidly increase under high flow of air.

The best use of watercooling is almost no ventilation - still alot of holes in the case :) - something like a big hole ar the side door, and the fans from the radiators take the air from inside and throw it outside the case - so you will have less dust inside the case, and you can install a BIG fan at the side door - chech a plus xblade case, you will understand.


Intel Master

The Stickies are provided for everyone's benefit, so that we don't have to repeatedly post the same answers. Nevertheless, overclocking and temperatures are about Intel's voltage and thermal specifications, and not exceeding them. There are many variables, so let's go over the basics.

Core 2 Quad's have a single CPU temperature sensor (Tcase), and four Core temperature sensors (Tjunction). For the Q6600 G0, Intel's Thermal Specification is 71c, which is shown in their Processor Spec Finder - http://processorfinder.intel.com/details.aspx?sSpec=SLACR

71c is maximum CPU temperature (Tcase Max), NOT Core temperature, which is a common misconception among many users. Also, there's a 5c Gradient between CPU temperature (lower) and Core temperature (higher), which is shown in the following Intel document - http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0709/0709.1861.pdf

Although maximum Core temperature (Tjunction Max) is 100c, which is for Throttle and Shutdown protection, the corresponding CPU temperature would be 95c; far too hot for sane operation. As such, CPU temperatures above 71c and Core temperatures above 76c should be considered as an "overtemp" condition.

Q6600 G0 specs:

Vcore Max 1.5
Tcase Max (CPU temp) 71c
Tjunction (Core temp) 76c

SpeedFan shows CPU temperature AND Core temperature, while Real Temp shows Core temperatures ONLY. Both programs allow calibrations. Intel has stated that the Digital Thermal Sensors (DTS) used for monitoring Core temperatures are accurate at very high temperatures, become less accurate as temperatures decrease, and may be unreliable at idle temperatures.

On the other hand, the Analog Thermal Diode used for monitoring CPU temperature is linear from idle thru high temperatures, which is why, as per agreement with Intel, motherboard manufacturers do not include Core temperature in their monitoring utilities found on the installation disk, such as Asus Probe.

Never assume that default temperatures are accurate. The accuracy of CPU temperature is determined by BIOS calibrations, but can be closely calibrated in SpeedFan. The accuracy of Core temperatures are determined by Intel factory calibrations, but can be closely calibrated in SpeedFan and Real Temp.

Prime95 Blend, or OCCT (Linpack), or CPU Burn Test (LinX) are cyclic workloads, which produce fluctuating temperatures. While these are useful for stability testing, they're inappropriate for thermal testing. Prime95 Small FFT's is the standard for thermal testing, because it's a steady-state 100% workload. Since thermal saturation is reached within 7 to 8 minutes, a 10 minute test is adequate. Keep in mind that ambient temperature is a major variable, and even the most processor intensive games or applications will rarely exceed 70% to 85% sustained workload.

From the Core i7 and Core 2 Temperature Guide: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/221745-29-sticky-core-core-temperature-guide

Scale 3: Quad
Q9x50: Tcase Max 71c, Stepping E0, TDP 95W, Idle 16W
Q9x50: Tcase Max 71c, Stepping C1, TDP 95W, Idle 16W
Q9400: Tcase Max 71c, Stepping R0, TDP 95W, Idle 16W
Q9300: Tcase Max 71c, Stepping M1, TDP 95W, Idle 16W
Q8x00: Tcase Max 71c, Stepping R0, TDP 95W, Idle 16W
Q8200: Tcase Max 71c, Stepping M1, TDP 95W, Idle 16W
Q6x00: Tcase Max 71c, Stepping G0, TDP 95W, Idle 16W<--Q6600 GO

--70--/--75--75--75--75-- Hot
--65--/--70--70--70--70-- Warm
--60--/--65--65--65--65--Safe <--
--25--/--30--30--30--30-- Cool

Any questions?

Comp :sol:


Jan 28, 2009

Here the temp of my Q6600 at 3 ghz.

temp max was 76 oC after 3 hours of prime95 plus simple aplication in same time (internet..).

it took 2 hours to get at this temp and after stay the same...

I have a submerged oil cooling system....


What do you think ?