what is better ? 290 or 290x


Sep 20, 2014
Hi there i have a question i want to upgrade my pc but i dont which video card i should buy
the 290 TRI-X or the 290x ?!?
is there much fps difference or is it a scam ?!?
They would perform similiarly as the tri-x has an awesome cooler allowing it to easily run cool at 1ghz, whilst the reference R9 290x has such a poor cooler it throttles the performance yet still hits 95c
290x is better than 290 for sure u will get 2-6 more fps(depending on game and system) from 290x than 290 if u OC the 290x u will get more 2-8 fps
Yeah, GTX 970 is more powerful than 290x u will get 4-6 more fps.
but I recommends Gigabyte 970 G1 gaming will give u more 2-6 fps than standard 970

What do you mean by default R9 290X? Do you mean the reference R9 290X?
If it is a reference R9 290X then i would avoid it and get the R9 290X trix.

just a normal 290x like this one http://www.sapphiretech.com/presentation/product/?cid=1&gid=3&sgid=1227&pid=2060&psn=&lid=1&leg=0
and then the question whats better that or a SAPPHIRE 290 tri-x

thats not the question
the question is :
IS a SAPPHIRE 290 OC tri-x or a SAPPHIRE 290x Better
They would perform similiarly as the tri-x has an awesome cooler allowing it to easily run cool at 1ghz, whilst the reference R9 290x has such a poor cooler it throttles the performance yet still hits 95c