D derpicus Reputable Jun 9, 2015 7 0 4,510 Jun 9, 2015 #1 I have been wondering which component is bottlenecking My PC: intel pentium g2020 palit gt 630 kingston 4gb (1x4) ecs h61-h2-mv stock cpu cooler Ps. can you guys suggest a replacement
I have been wondering which component is bottlenecking My PC: intel pentium g2020 palit gt 630 kingston 4gb (1x4) ecs h61-h2-mv stock cpu cooler Ps. can you guys suggest a replacement
Tradesman1 Legenda in Aeternum Jun 5, 2013 67,881 40 126,960 Jun 9, 2015 #2 What are you doing with the rig, for what you have it's a fairly balanced rig
D derpicus Reputable Jun 9, 2015 7 0 4,510 Jun 9, 2015 #3 its for basic rendering or 2d rendering and and some triple a games
Tradesman1 Legenda in Aeternum Jun 5, 2013 67,881 40 126,960 Jun 9, 2015 #4 If me would want more DRAM, better CPU and better GPU pretty much in that order