Question What is causing green screen of death?

May 13, 2019
Hi guys. I'm just wondering how to diagnose what is causing GSOD. I have a Windows 10 pc and I've been experiencing a lot of GSOD crash lately and I can't seem to know the reason why. It just randomly happens while gaming or even doing normal tasks. It crashes then restarts and goes directly to BIOS, and in the BIOS I cannot see my SSD on the boot options, but when I hard restart it, it will then boot to windows normally. Sorry for the vague post.
it appears the means to fix a Green screen are same as BSOD

make sure GPU drivers are up to date.
check cables at back of PC, maybe use another one.

Can you follow option one on the following link - here - and then do this step below: Small memory dumps - Have Windows Create a Small Memory Dump (Minidump) on BSOD

that creates a file in c windows/minidump after the next BSOD
copy that file to documents
upload the copy from documents to a file sharing web site, and share the link here and I will get someone to convert file into a format I can read

what are specs of PC?