Question What is causing my mircosutters?


Feb 21, 2019
Currently I'm running this set up:
Gtx 970 4GB
i5 2500 (non K)
8 GBs of DDR3 ram
750 Watt Corsiar CX 750
Joshua-H61-uATX Motherboard

When I play games like Fornite, which I should be getting over 90 fps on Maxed out settings, I land and buildings aren't loaded up at all. I get terrible stutters that last 5-10 seconds, and it's just unplayable. At first I thought it was a faulty hard drive. I got a new one recently and no change happened. My CPU and GPU both run at pretty cool temps while gaming. Just in games like GTA V I get really high fps, but horrible stuttering. Also in Forza Horizon 4 as well, which from what I've read on forums is a pretty ram heavy video game.

I'm thinking it's probably a ram issue, but I'm not really sure. I was hoping you guys could point me in the right direction.
Is your network connection good?
It might not be loading everything from there.
Well, I have my Ethernet plugged in. I doubt it's a connection issue. I also get stutters in Forza Horizon 4, GTA V, Fortnite, and PUBG. All of which I get extremely high FPS, it just stutters at a rate to where it's not enjoyable to play.
Can you run a speed test?
Moniter ram usage.
How do you know what frames you should be getting?
It might just be that some things are harder on the GPU than others.
You might want to turn down the settings and see if that helps.
Can you run a speed test?
Moniter ram usage.
How do you know what frames you should be getting?
It might just be that some things are harder on the GPU than others.
You might want to turn down the settings and see if that helps.
I've checked out on youtube people with the exact same build I have, and seen them getting WAY better performance than me. That's how I know I should be getting a way better playing experience.

Also, I ran task manager in the background when I was playing Forza Horizion, and Fortnite last night. Forza my gpu stays at around 70% usage and my CPU is maxing out it's usage, also my ram usage is being maxed out.
On Fortnite it's the name story CPU maxed out, Ram maxed out.

Also, can you link me a speed test, I'll run one just to see.
I've checked out on youtube people with the exact same build I have, and seen them getting WAY better performance than me. That's how I know I should be getting a way better playing experience.

Also, I ran task manager in the background when I was playing Forza Horizion, and Fortnite last night. Forza my gpu stays at around 70% usage and my CPU is maxing out it's usage, also my ram usage is being maxed out.
On Fortnite it's the name story CPU maxed out, Ram maxed out.

Also, can you link me a speed test, I'll run one just to see., or just google internet speed test.
It sounds like it might be a CPU or RAM bottleneck.
I've checked out on youtube people with the exact same build I have, and seen them getting WAY better performance than me. That's how I know I should be getting a way better playing experience.

Also, I ran task manager in the background when I was playing Forza Horizion, and Fortnite last night. Forza my gpu stays at around 70% usage and my CPU is maxing out it's usage, also my ram usage is being maxed out.
On Fortnite it's the name story CPU maxed out, Ram maxed out.

Also, can you link me a speed test, I'll run one just to see.
Have you checked it other tasks could be hogging resources? Try running something like msi afterburner to see if any clocks spike when you stutter. They have an overlay option that you can use in games. Also what’s your idle cpu / mem usage?
Have you checked it other tasks could be hogging resources? Try running something like msi afterburner to see if any clocks spike when you stutter. They have an overlay option that you can use in games. Also what’s your idle cpu / mem usage?
So I just checked my task manager. My CPU goes idles with google chrome and discord opened at a bout 20% usage ranging with both apps open usually 20-25% usage. I always close out google chrome when gaming though, just to get that extra CPU usage.
What's weird though is my memory just sits at a constant 56%.
So I just checked my task manager. My CPU goes idles with google chrome and discord opened at a bout 20% usage ranging with both apps open usually 20-25% usage. I always close out google chrome when gaming though, just to get that extra CPU usage.
What's weird though is my memory just sits at a constant 56%.
That is a little high. What programs are taking up that usage? and have you scanned for malware? Sometimes small viruses take a lot of memory and cpu usage.also what programs are scheduled to open upon boot? You can check in msconfig