[SOLVED] What is causing my performance problems?

Feb 14, 2019
Hello guys, I am quite inexperienced with PC components and performance tracking, so I figured you'd be the best to ask. I've started to have performance issues on newer games (Battlefield 5, insurgency) even though my GPU looks to be well above minimum requirements. Is my CPU, RAM or something bottle necking me? My specs:

GPU: Radeon (TM) RX 480 Sapphire Nitro
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6098P CPU @ 3.60GHz
RAM: 8GB DDR4 HyperX
Motheboard: Asus H110M-K
PSU: Thermaltake litepower 700

If they are bottlenecking, how would you recommend to replace them?
Thanks a lot!

Edit: fixed some of the errors in components
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Battlefield V is a game that needs a pretty powerful CPU and is RAM hungry at the same time. Even with a true quad core processor, like for example the i5-6500 that would also work on your motherboard would still be a stuttery experience. That's one title that really excels with 4C/8T along with 16GB RAM.

Never the less, your performance might be even lower than it should. In such a case, monitor your temperatures to see if everything is in a relatively safe condition (Below 70-80 degrees).
Battlefield V is a game that needs a pretty powerful CPU and is RAM hungry at the same time. Even with a true quad core processor, like for example the i5-6500 that would also work on your motherboard would still be a stuttery experience. That's one title that really excels with 4C/8T along with 16GB RAM.

Never the less, your performance might be even lower than it should. In such a case, monitor your temperatures to see if everything is in a relatively safe condition (Below 70-80 degrees).
Thanks for the response! I was afraid that might be the case, and I checked the tempretarues, it usually lies around 60 degrees, so I think im good on that case.

Which means I guess I need a replacement CPU and a new stick of ram. I was planning on getting a CPU beefy enough to be sufficient for when I need to change my GPU again. Is this smart, or should I get something sufficient enough and change them both together when time comes?