Question What is controlled folder access Windows Security?


Sep 16, 2021
I have come accross an option called 'controlled folder access' on Windows Security -

I have enabled it but it's very frustrating as pretty much after any app update or even taking photos in games it comes up with a notification saying the access was blocked and I have to go into Windows Security to allow the process.

Do I actually need it enabled as it's incredibly frustrating having to do this all the time? Is it enabled at default, I can't remember? I am a home user.

Do I actually need it enabled as it's incredibly frustrating having to do this all the time? Is it enabled at default, I can't remember? I am a home user.

It is off by default. It is also now just doing its job,
Controlled folder access in Windows Security reviews the apps that can make changes to files in protected folders and blocks unauthorized or unsafe apps from accessing or changing files in those folders.

I would just disable it, its getting in the way more than its helping you.
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