What is difference between Intel Core 15-650 core processor and a And phenom II


Jun 16, 2011
Hello,What is difference between Intel Core 15-650 core processor and a And phenom II x 4 Quad Core Processor
The Intel® Core™ i5-650 is a 1st generation Intel core processor that is dual core processor with hyper-threading and Intel Turbo mode. The Intel Core i5-650 has been out for around a year and half and it has a clock speed of 3.2GHz. The Intel Core i5-650 does have IGP (Intergraded Graphics on Processor) but they are really more entry level graphics then anything you are going to want to run a game with.

Christian Wood
Intel Enthusiast Team
(edited to add name and company)


Nov 23, 2008

This is an old post..i know.... but i need help...

I have this Phenom II X2 555BE unlocked in Biostar TA790GXE 128M motherboars as AMD Phenom II X4 B55 with DDR2 Corsair XMS2 4GB RAM(800MHz), My friend offered me an exchange with his Core i5 650 on intel essential board and DDR3 1333MHz 4GB Kingston RAM. I would like to know, is it a good deal?? Please help...