What is EZ OC in BIOS/UEFI?


Jan 27, 2017
Hey all.

I have a Gigabyte z270 Gaming K3 and went into the BIOS/UEFI to disable ErP I went into the "Easy Mode" tab out of curiosity.

I have something called "EZ OC" and I assume it means "Easy Overclock". For me its set to "Normal" and I can change it to Performance or Saving.

My question is as follows; Which one should I use, Performance or Normal?

Note: I disabled ErP since my headset and mouse was on even though my computer was off. Didn't like that, so I disabled it. I just hope there is no repercussion for doing so?

Thanks in advance for replies! :)
ErP Support determines whether to let the system consume less than 1W of power in S5 (shutdown) state. When the setting is enabled, the following four functions will become unavailable: PME Event Wake Up, Power On By Mouse, Power On By Keyboard, and Wake On LAN.

EZ OC is as you say however, it's best to OC using multiplier and Core Voltage control.

Although I don't have your exact MB, generally if you leave the Bios with EZ mode it takes care of frequency settings. MAX CPU frequency will be the chips base supported frequency and will downclock to a lower frequency to save power when not needed. It will boost the frequency when required. Normally it will recognize the RAM you have and set those parameters too. If you use OC RAM then it will default to the frequency the MB supports.
You have very little control so if you want the best performance from your CPU and MB then EZ is not the way to go.