What is Filmic SMAA


Nov 20, 2013
In the new Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare there is an anti aliasing setting called Filmic SMAA. can any one elaborate on he difference between regular SMAA and Filmic SMAA. i notice the image is slightly blurier than SMAA regular. Am i to asume this Filmic is simply a remaning of TXAA. There are 2 Filmic SMAA settings: Filmic SMAA 1x and Filmic SMAA T2x.
I haven't seen or read any technical explanations for what it is or rather the benefits or differences from Filmic SMAA verses other Anti-aliasing techniques. If I were to take a guess I would imagine that it would be a type of anti-aliasing that attempts to give the game a cinematic look and as such would probably give your performance a bigger hit than other options.

If you have a high-end machine I'd recommend trying the the highest options for each and grabbing a screenshot and then just comparing how they look. Until we can find a good explanation for the tech, all we can do is compare performance verses graphics and just decide which works best for our tastes and setup.
im still not too sure my self. i've tried both and there isn't much difference aside from the blending. im using a GTX 760 2GB and a dedicated PHYSX GTX 650. ill have to play with it some more. i get good FPS for the most part i've been around 80-90 mostly but as usual i can drop to 55-65 depending on the scenes i think that just comes down to VRAM. i wanna get the new GTX 970 to solve that.