What is G-Sync and can I get it?


Jan 20, 2014
Hello there! I was wondering what is G-SYNC and can this monitor get it.http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IEZH006/?tag=pcpapi-20

I heard it allows your monitor to give out more FPS or something. I am building a computer and I was wondering if this monitor will be able to capture all of the fps my GPU is putting out, and how G SYNC would affect this. I will be playing minecraft.

My pc build:


Thanks for the help,

Ok first off G-synch does not give more fps, what G-synch does is allow the moniter to have the exact same refresh rate as the graphics card is putting out to the extrent of the moniter max refresh rate. Most moniters if they are 140hz or 60hz stay at that refresh rate constantly so if your graphics cards goes under that or over it you will see screen tearing. With Gysnch you cant go over your max refresh rate when when you go down in fps your moniter will match it with the refresh rate makeing screen tearing non existant. Using g-synch also does not take resources like using vsynch does. If you are going to use G-synch buy a moniter with it installed on it already and use a New generation nvidia graphics card. Installing G-synch kits...
If a monitor has G-Sync, the product description will say that it does. It is a feature for gaming monitors, not for the average person who browses facebook on their pc.

It won't put out more fps either. It will only reduce screen tearing if you are generating too many fps. It's like vsync but with no input lag and better performance.
G-Sync comes wit ha quite expensive pricetag, there's a G-Sync upgrade kit out at a higher price than your monitor, but its only made for some ASUS monitor.

Also in the near future we should be able to see FreeSync, which is basically the same with the slight difference that every new monitor with a Displayport will support it no matter the gpu you use.
Ok first off G-synch does not give more fps, what G-synch does is allow the moniter to have the exact same refresh rate as the graphics card is putting out to the extrent of the moniter max refresh rate. Most moniters if they are 140hz or 60hz stay at that refresh rate constantly so if your graphics cards goes under that or over it you will see screen tearing. With Gysnch you cant go over your max refresh rate when when you go down in fps your moniter will match it with the refresh rate makeing screen tearing non existant. Using g-synch also does not take resources like using vsynch does. If you are going to use G-synch buy a moniter with it installed on it already and use a New generation nvidia graphics card. Installing G-synch kits can be hard even if your experianced and you have a real chance of destroying the moniter trying to install it. Your current gpu will suppourt gsynch but the moniter you selected will not .http://www.blurbusters.com/gsync/list-of-gsync-monitors/ here is a list of gsynch moniters
Gsync is designed to display frames more smoothly, thus eliminate a problem known as microstutter.

Typical monitors refresh on a clock. 60 times in 1 sec for 60hz. However the gpu doesnt always have frames ready when the clock is ready to refresh. The result is that certain frames are repeated while others are skipped or combined with others. This is what causes microstutter.

Gsync solves this by allowing the display to refresh asynchronously, whenever the gpu is ready to display an image. Because the monitor needs to support this via hardware, older displays cant do this. Currently there is no off the shelf display that supports gsync and only 1 that supports via a mod.


not sure if that going to happen.