what do you mean? please back up claims, preferably with science, rather than trying to prove me wrong, which you cant do. if youre having issues with vsync, contact the game devs, thats the best way to solve this. vsync syncs monitor to gpu, meaning that the monitor wont require a frame at the same time the gpu is copying its frame from the back-buffer to the frame-buffer. why would you ask for help/advise if you dont want to believe whats being said.
no worries, bud. i understand that its frustrating, but if a game is not using vsync properly, then thats on the devs. refresh rate is static, the response time is static. settings could also be wrong in control panel, but not much to go on.
i may sound negative, and i apologize, not my intention to be rude, or anything like that. however, you can test this by enabling adaptive vsync instead. if it doesnt stutter then that eliminates your original concern of the tv being the problem.