What is happening with Congress

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I can sum it up in 3 words... Low Voter Turnout.
Folks just don't bother to vote anymore. The only ones that show up at the polls are the elderly and the zealots. Elderly vote Republican, and zealots vote for whichever Infotainment Network can make their viewers the angriest. Result: Congress.
americans don't care-too deep in debt to be able to stand up for there rights in fear that they will loose there bass boat or 4 wheeler rv ect.. - laws now passed to guard them from you - majority vote looses - gun control on you so they can better control you- income tax instead of sales tax to keep there grip on you at all times -- all money spent on folks that want to do you harm instead of spent here on schools roads ect.. I can go on and on

''Folks just don't bother to vote anymore'' your vote don't count anyway and theres no way to prove it does anymore think how do you know when you voted it counted?? all you know you went down there went through the motions of voting but past that what do you know from there ?? nothing.. remember for the pres. majority vote don't win its electoral collage you can win 60% votes but if there not in certain states you loose..

At a $1000/plate Campaign Fundraiser

Rich Corporate CEO Type: Evening Congressman!
Congressman: Why hello there fellow citizen!
Rich Corporate CEO Type: I believe you have a pet project as well as your campaign that could use some financing.
Congressman: It is a small project of mine and of course, any donation to my campaign would certainly be welcome!
Rich Corporate CEO Type: Well, of course, I'll be making a contribution to your campaign, but I'd really like to help you with your pet project as well!
Congressman: Well, that'd be just fine! If there's anything I could possibly do for you in return, just name it!
Rich Corporate CEO Type: Well now that you mention it, Congressman. There is this one bill...

A few days later at a rally...

Everyday Joe American Congressman, can you tell me why you've changed your mind on that bill which would really help me support my family?
Congressman: After careful consideration, my team of consultants have informed me that while it assists you in the short term, it actually harms you in the long term. Of course, we don't want that, now do we?
Everyday Joe American But Congressman, without that bill, my children may go hungry!
Congressman: Sir, there's a job waiting for every American than wants one. I think you should expand your horizons and take advantage of the hiring boom this country is amidst!

A few weeks later...

Everyday Joe American Would you like fries with that?

Nine hours later...

PA System Joe! Clean up in Aisle five!

This country's politicians have been bought out by corporations for over a generation. The Constitution may state, "of the people, by the people, and for the people", but that hasn't been in practice for decades. Until they ban campaign contributions, this country will never be "Of the People", "By the People", or "For the People".


-Wolf sends

While the House is not without their faults, I'd have to point fingers at the Senate. Harry Reid has turned out to be one of the worst majority leaders in recent history.
That is so unfortunate we have to depend on China for holding our debt.I am getting to hate China more each day as I see our country not advancing any longer and Chinese products flooding our markets.
what do you mean not advancing it is for the select few and why do the company's go to china-- you want high pay - they want bowl of rice- you want clean air and water - china as of now don't care epa is a killer of industry its cheaper for them to move to china and not have to pay big time for epa stuff -- you want paided vacation? look at the line of workers standing out side just foxcons plants , thousands wanting in for that 20hr shift and that bowl of rice - you want paid insurance- they get hurt they get replaced - this can go on amd on

heres something for you to think about -lets take levis -was 100% usa union made and you paid $40 a pair now there !))5 overseas and you still pay $40 a pair now of that $40 what do there stock holdes like the best you the union guy -epa-libilty insurance and all the costs required to do business in the usa and of that $40 you get $5 or move to china pad a commies pocket cheap no cost labor no real cost as far as what they got to shell out here in the usa and now of that $40 there getting $25 of it and the best part is the union guy runs to town and buys the pair of levis and wonders why he is not working...

heres where I think the usa will be soon -- the elite few will have it all and you will be there service worker to maintain there stuff ..

did you know under the free trade agreement if a outside the us company sell the same product as you the us company and finds you sold more than he did he can sue for the difference under that but a us company cant sue them ..from Washington post
Yet these free trade agreements, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership, mostly deal with other issues, not taxes and tariffs. In NAFTA, special conditions were created that gave foreign competitors benefits that U.S. companies do not have.

now you go back to congress there all in bed with these company's in a you scratch my back and I scratch yours so your interest don't fatten there bank account big business does

The problem is the USA workers will never work for that small wages the Chinese make today.Look at the Philippines wages and tell me would you work for 33 cents an hour to survive? I doubt it.

ya but whats there cost of living?? do they care about 'keeping up with the joneses''? do they spend way bevond there means so they can say they got a bas boat and a 4 wheeler for each family member? are they so deep in debt thast if they don't make that min. payment they loose everythimg?

It is because the Democrats in Congress as well as the Democrat president have rammed a bunch of very unpopular legislation and executive orders down the throat of the American people (Obamacare, non-enforcement of the immigration laws, etc.), the Democrats are embroiled in multiple high-level and very nasty scandals, and the economy has been overall pretty crappy ever since late 2008 under their watch. Now it's time for an election. The Democrats in the Senate up for re-election in remotely competitive districts (not Nancy Pelosi) are trying their best to distance themselves from the party as a whole because they worry they'll be voted out. Thus they are going to try to fly under the radar at best and at worst vote "no" to postpone the kinds of legislation that was forced through between early 2009 and 2011 when the Democrats held a super-majority in the Senate and control over Congress and the White House.

You'll see a resurgence of the "typical Democrat legislation" if the Democrats manage to hold their seats in Congress. My prediction is that people are teed off enough that a lot of incumbents from both parties will be sent packing and the Republicans will gain seats in both houses of Congress. Thus there won't be much statist "typical Democrat. legislation" passed. There will be a lot of ugly bickering after this election with few bills being passed, possibly another situation where 17% of the government takes a holiday for a few weeks due to the debt limit, multiple investigations of varying levels of intensity of the White House scandals, and an extremely nasty Presidential campaign in 2016. I'd further predict it will be two not very well known at the present time people running for president and that the Republican wins. Hillary is tainted goods and everybody knows it. The Benghazi coverup was more than enough to do her in. You'll see some old-style pro-manufacturing, pro-union Blue Dog type of person run for the Democrats to try to capture the independent vote which was turned off by 8 years of the Marxist Obama and the resulting economic crapfest, but they will lose due to anti-Obama, anti-incumbent (Democrat) sentiment. It is only a guess as to who will win the Republican nomination as they are having a massive sectarian split between the Bushes/John McCain/Mitt Romney "old guard" and the libertarian-lite Tea Party factions. That person will still win despite which camp they're from just because they're not a Democrat.

We're in for a rough ride regardless. Hope you don't work in a sector of the economy which is a political football like I do because it will be a very unpredictable mess of ugliness.

Why hate China?

Our American government got us in this mess, Marv! :pfff:

Put the blame where it actually belongs!

It is a simple principal, if you are writing checks you cannot cover you are in trouble, stop writing the checks you cannot cover, buckle down and pay off your debt, if a citizen writes checks they cannot cover and they bounce, they go to jail!

If the government does it, they extend the debt cap, and borrow more money!

Even an idiot should know better! :pfff:

China is just taking advantage of the mess our own government made!

Unfortunately the government did mess up with outstanding debt that China bailed us out of.You are right.
We spent more than we can afford and now we are suffering for it.


And, it's only going to continue to get worse as long as the current leadership in Congress, and especially the White House, remains in power.

As the Muslim Brotherhood continues to rebuild the Caliphates in the Middle East and they gain full and complete control over the oil supply, expect a push to replace the American Dollar as the world backing currency. When that happens, America will totally be screwed!

No ... I am sure your xenophobia will prevail and you will send in the cruise missiles and be back in time for the next episode of star wars and a fresh Coors guys?

Ding !!

USA 'debt' held by the 'public' is approx $12.5 trillion ... of that total nearly $6 trillion is held by foreign interests.

The single largest holder of US Federal debt is (drum roll, please...)

The US Govt. In fact, nearly 30% of our future debt over the next 5 years will simply be interest that we pay ourselves.

Congress is simply protecting their special interests and looters. Both parties are responsible ...

But, the Republicans by 2:1 are the worst.

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