Question What is killing my routers!?


Apr 3, 2010
So I live in a condo and we get comcast infinity cable.
We've gone through half a dozen routers in the last few years.
They just keep dying.
Get this problem where the internet signal becomes intermittent.
Sometimes the router will work sometimes it wont.

This current router lasted only half a day!!! o_O

The cable guy said one clue. He said we have "too much power" going through out cable cord.
so he set it up with a splitter, and going into the splitter there is some weird cylinder looking thingie (no idea what it is, a resistor maybe??).
then the splitter splits to the normal cable, and the other opening is just empty.

Also years ago we did have a power surge in the area of the router, but we replaced all the electronics there already.


Cylinder - something like what is shown in the following Home Depot Link?

On the cylinder or on the splitter is there an attached copper wire (bare or insulated) going to some other location?

And the "other opening" should have a terminal cap in order to properly seal/terminate an unused coax port. Versus just some screw on dust cover.

Any way that you can post a couple of photographs?


Heat is the most likely thing to damage multiple similar devices. Is the router in a cabinet or is the airflow somehow impeded?
It could also be overheating of the power adapter overheating. If the power adapter is buried in cables or has impeded airflow.