What is most worth it? Old or new? Help!


Oct 27, 2017
Hi :) i plan on upgrading my PC. I originalt thought I’d buy a 4790k and a overclock mobo so i didn’t have to move to ddr3, but after looking at prices and not being able to find any 4790k’s much cheaper than 6700k and 7700k’s, ofc the mobos are pricier but idk, should I try and wait for a good deal on a 4790k, and how Can I find a cheap one? My budget is around 550-650$
If I were you I would go with a Ryzen 5 1600. You can overclock it about 3.8-4GHz depending on your chip. Also it compares very well to the i7 7700k, you should check some benchmarks on YouTube. Also the 7700k has only 4 cores while the 1600 has 6 cores, it is more futureproof. A motherboard like the B350 Pro4 would probably be enough for overclocking and it is cheap as well. However, DDR4 prices are extremely bad right now...

You should see if you can fit a Ryzen system in your budget.
Yes I mean the Ryzen 5 1600. The Ryzen 5 1600X is a waste of money. I'm not sure but I think the 1600X has an OC mode or something like that which is basically the same as overclocking a Ryzen 5 1600.
By equivalent do you mean Intel equivalent of the Ryzen 5 1600?

If your current PC is okay and you do not necessarily need upgrades then maybe you should wait. I really needed a new system so I was forced to pay 232$ for ram.. I hope prices will come back down. Also a coffeelake upgrade wouldn't be a bad idea. Good luck
Thanks again, while I wait for prices to drop i can look more into options, prices, benchmarks. I can also buy a new gpu since I need that, and save up for cpu setup later 😉

It's Intel's new generation CPUs. You should check it out. They can outperform the Ryzen but there aren't any budget motherboards right now.