What is my GPU model?


Mar 3, 2014
My friend got some old computer parts and built a PC for himself. I opened it and there is a very simple graphics card inside. I asked him if he had any driver CD and tolld me he didn't. When I tried to check which one it is in the "System Properties" section, it appears as a driver-less GPU. He wants to play some basic games, but they all seem to need this driver. Since I've got no idea of the model and brand, I can't find the driver online. Can you tell me any software that can show me the GPU's model and brand, even without the driver installed?
I agree, GPU-Z. CPU-Z is also handy if you need more information. Not sure of the exact differences but I know you can find motherboard, CPU, and Graphics etc on both or between them.

As said it might not be a very good card so the latest drivers (if even possible as it might be too old) might not make the system run modern games very well.

To know if the system is worth upgrading to say an HD7750 or better we'd need to know:
1) Main memory type and amount (i.e. DDR2 or DDR3, 3GB or better)

2) Windows version (i.e Windows XP 32-bit, or Windows 7 64-bit?)

3) CPU (i.e. AMD X2-4800+, or Intel i5-3570)

4) CPU model/Wattage (model number, or anything to determine which EXACT model he has)

No, my friend only wants his PC to run Minecraft and stuff like that. No need to upgrade anything (I played it for a long time in a crappy Intel HD Graphics without much lag).

UPDATE: I just won't BA you now because I still have to test what you told me tomorrow.

Since I don't know which is the card (and it is driver-less) I can't tell you whether it's good or not.

Every GPU requires a driver, though I don't know exactly what's going on exactly since the replies stopped. He would have a BASIC driver already installed and may need a recent DX9 driver to get the game working.

Maybe. I tried GPU-Z and the card was not detected. Well, I don't think there's much else to do. Thanks.