Question What is so special about the letter S?


May 24, 2015
Whenever I copy the contents of one large folder to another drive, I notice Windows begins with folders themselves starting with the letter S, as in Steam, Stories, Strangeloves, Tomy James, Trashmen, and so on. Once the end of the alphabet is reached, Windows begins moving folders starting with the letter A. But, again, the start of any large copy operation begins at the letter S.

Windows is close source software, meaning that only the inner ring of developers know about the internal working of the file system.

The only thing I have noticed is that Windows seems to have its own order of the files, regardless of the seeminly alpabethic sort of file names.
My guess is that the file copy order of operation is regarding the order in which the files was written to disk, that may or may not be in alphabetic order.