What is the best budget high end cpu for my pc?


Jan 16, 2016
As the title says

Info about my pc :

Current CPU : intel i5-2400 3.10 Ghz,3301 MHz, 4 Cores

Power supply : CORSAIR CX series CX500 500W

My motherboard : Gigabyte H61M-S2P-B3

Graphics card : Gigabyte GTX 960 G1 Graphics Cards, Black GV-N960G1 GAMING-4GD
There's no point in picking a 3770K over a non-K, because your motherboard does not support overclocking. i7 3770 or a Xeon equivalent is your best bet.


Xeons that are equivalent to the i7 3770, and will work in your board include the 1230v2, 1240v2, 1245v2, 1270v2, 1275v2, 1280v2, and 1290v2.

The 1230 is clocked 100mhz slower, the 1240 and 1245 are clocked the same, 1270/1275 100mhz higher, 1280 200mhz higher, and 1290, 300mhz higher.

I'm guessing you want one that fits on your current motherboard?
What do you use the system for? Only gaming? Do you also stream or make videos?

If you only game, i5-3570k is the best one for your socket. If you also stream or make videos, i7-3770k is the best one.

Not exactly sure what your budget is if you say "budget high end", since LGA 1155 is pretty old already and depending on what you play, it might be a waste to invest into anything but the best available processor.

Could i pick the non-k version of the i7-3770?
Yea sure, your motherboard is rocking an H-Chipset anyways, so you can't take as much advantage of the K-CPU anyways. I was only listing up the best ones tho, not what I'd recommend you.
I didn't want to recommend something before I knew what you use it for exactly. 🙂
There's no point in picking a 3770K over a non-K, because your motherboard does not support overclocking. i7 3770 or a Xeon equivalent is your best bet.


Xeons that are equivalent to the i7 3770, and will work in your board include the 1230v2, 1240v2, 1245v2, 1270v2, 1275v2, 1280v2, and 1290v2.

The 1230 is clocked 100mhz slower, the 1240 and 1245 are clocked the same, 1270/1275 100mhz higher, 1280 200mhz higher, and 1290, 300mhz higher.


Thanks for the detailed answer!