what is the best free gaming operating system beside's windows and mac

If I understood your question, you want an operating system that comes with FREE GAMES? If you want free games, I would recommend a Linux Ubuntu based distributions, you get a TON of games in the application manager and the majority of them are free.
lawl. windows isn't a free o.s., neither is macosx. windows comes with some free games like minesweeper, chess, freecell (and some card games) and a few others. some linux distros come with free games. but i don't know much about them. there are free games available on windows and linux, but many more in windows platform.
windows has much more options for playing free games, or buying games on sale at very low price.
windows 7 (home premium or pro or ultimate 64bit) and windows 8.1 or 8.1 pro 64bit are best options for gaming on desktop/laptop pcs.
If I understood your question, you want an operating system that comes with FREE GAMES? If you want free games, I would recommend a Linux Ubuntu based distributions, you get a TON of games in the application manager and the majority of them are free.
Out of Linux, Mac and Windows, Linux is your only choice for free operating systems. So it's the winner for your silly "what is the best free operating system that comes with a ton of free games" award. But only a winner in the same way that Yugo makes the best Yugoslavian car...

Now don't get your hopes up on the quality of games. They are free so they are not going to be state of the art games, but there are a lot of them as Koodoo pointed out.
Perhaps it's "free gaming" rather than "free (gaming) operating system". Probably the best nowadays for free games is Android (or possibly iOS). Otherwise, the best operating system for free, or near-free, games has to be Windows. The choices on Linux or OS X are pretty poor.
A little plug for my favorite games: Urban Terror and Xonotic, both shooters. Both are free and run on pretty much any popular OS for PCs, including Linux distros. UrT may look less pretty than modern titles, but the gameplay is great. It was basically optimized for fun game play rather than eye candy graphics with a dull gameplay. It can run pretty much on anything. The other day, I installed and run both on a laptop with i3 CPU and HD Graphics 3000 with 1366x768 resolution at a pretty good frame rate. There are always plenty well-populated servers around. Xonotic is a more of a moving target as it's still under development and gamer community much smaller. Both worth checking out.
As others pointed out, Linux is perhaps the only choice when looking for a free OS that has games. There are a number of native games to Linux, but if you want access to a much larger collection of Windows games, then install Wine together with Playonlinux. Check out the following post: http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=225&t=138685.
Then there is also Steam that offers games to the Linux community.