Just so you're aware, all the builds mentioned above in this thread had mail-in rebates enabled. Hence you'll have to spend more than what you're expecting, and if you want the discounts you'll have to mail-in the retailer for reimbursement after purchase.
bradsctt's initial build will cost you $481.58 (USD) and Scremin34Egl's will cost you $468.53 (USD). If you want the builds to be less than $440, both bradsctt and Scremin34Egl expect you to mail-in the retailer for discounts; or they're unaware that they have mail-in rebates enabled.
Out of the two builds, I'd go with Scremin34Egl's. I've also built two for you, one Intel and AMD. Personally I don't recommend AMD however since you're on a budget, it may work out better for you. If...