[SOLVED] What is the best hardware for my motherboard?


Jan 24, 2017
I have Asus P5KPL-VM/S and CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E7500 and want to upgrade my pc but i don't know which components will be compatible with it and will be optimized to give the best out of my motherboard. So any one can suggest me the best GPU that canrun on it, ram and other things that will make it run better.
No you don't "need" to change your cpu. Your title was best hardware for your motherboard so I added that to the list

Your pci slot doesn't have a certain type of ram ifor it. The ram is on your video card
Best cpu is a qx9650, follow by q9650 (update your bios before removing Current cpu)

Any 800mhz 2*2gb kit of ddr2 should work for the ram

GPU wise something along the lines of a used gtx 760/670 as long as you have enough power supply to push them. They're both pretty cheap but would be a good match
Do you mean i need to change my CPU? This CPU won't do? These gpu are not available in my country plus i previously had gt 630 and i don't know how much my power supply can take, here is the pic of my power supply https://ibb.co/M5k7tPB . plus i had one more question, My motherboard is ddr2 for the rams but it can support all modern garphics card as long as my power supply allows it, as it have PCI-E slot?
I get that.These gpu are not available in my country plus i previously had gt 630 and i don't know how much my power supply can take, here is the pic of my power supply https://ibb.co/M5k7tPB . plus i had one more question, My motherboard is ddr2 for the rams but it can support all modern garphics card as long as my power supply allows it, as it have PCI-E slot?