Question What is the best memory for a Ryzen 7 2700x


Feb 6, 2019
I decided to upgrade to a Ryzen 7 2700x with a B450 Tomohawk motherboard but i don’t know what ram to get with it. I know Ryzen likes high ram speeds, but can anyone recommend relatively cheap ram for the Ryzen 7 2700x.
RAM compatibility is pretty good on the b450 chipset. I would look for a 3200mhz rated kit to run with the 2700x to get the most out of it.

Here is a good kit for a good price that will run on that board.

PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($99.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $99.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-03-27 16:56 EDT-0400