what is the concept of AUD$1000 in Australia?

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Apr 20, 2013
What is the concept of AUD$1000 in Australia?

Please just let me know what's the concept of AUD 1000 in Australia? Is it very little money there? What can you buy with AUD 1000 ? How much is a night to stay in an average Australia's hotel? How much is it to dine at an average restaurant there? What's the price of a meal in Australia's McDonalds?

It's hard to explain why I am asking this question, but I am trying to compare something. Any one from Australia? Any ideas? Open to discussion all comments are welcome and appreciated

Ya know...you can look all this stuff up online.
There is this very good tool called "google"
It can tell you the price of a loaf of bread in Oz, the price of a loaf of bread in your country, the conversion rate between your currency and $ AUD.

It can also tell you average salaries, minimum salary rate, what a typical fast food worker makes...all that type of stuff.

Knowing that, you can compare.
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