[SOLVED] What is the default bios settings for dh61cr motherboard

Jan 17, 2022
I want to know if the default bios settings is for 2nd gen or 3rd gen cpus . My specs:
I5 2400
Radeon hd 6850 1gb X2
2x 4gb ram
1tb hardrive
It depends on what the BIOS version is. Originally H61 motherboards launched with support of Sandy bridge CPUs (2xxx-series) like your i5-2400. When Ivy Bridge (3xxx-series) was released these boards got BIOS updates to make them compatible with Ivy Bridge CPUs. Only you can determine what BIOS version is currently on your board. Unfortunately, Intel no longer provides any support including BIOS updates for your motherboard. However, it is possible to download the newest BIOS for your board through a 3rd party website like softpedia.

First, why do you need to know? Are you thinking of an upgrade to a 3xxx-series CPU?

Here is the page with the final BIOS version for your board. That version would be compatible with all...
It depends on what the BIOS version is. Originally H61 motherboards launched with support of Sandy bridge CPUs (2xxx-series) like your i5-2400. When Ivy Bridge (3xxx-series) was released these boards got BIOS updates to make them compatible with Ivy Bridge CPUs. Only you can determine what BIOS version is currently on your board. Unfortunately, Intel no longer provides any support including BIOS updates for your motherboard. However, it is possible to download the newest BIOS for your board through a 3rd party website like softpedia.

First, why do you need to know? Are you thinking of an upgrade to a 3xxx-series CPU?

Here is the page with the final BIOS version for your board. That version would be compatible with all 2xxx-series and 3xxx-series CPUs. I was never a fan of Intel branded motherboards. Updating the BIOS on that board frankly looks like a nightmare so unless you actually need to update the BIOS for some reason, I wouldn't bother.


EDIT: Oh my goodness. Check out this "handy" (and completely ridiculous) flowchart that is still on Intel's website! Complicated much? Bwahaha! https://www.intel.com/content/www/u...000005859/boards-and-kits/desktop-boards.html
I posted another question because there is no display or any Caps lock light on my keyboard when I turn on my computer and someone replied it might be my bios settings thats why i asked this question
Here is your mobo manual: https://www.intel.com/content/dam/s...p-boards/H61/DH61CR/DH61CR_ProductGuide03.pdf

On page 58 it explains how to change the coin-shaped battery on the motherboard. With the computer off and unplugged from the electricity socket, carefully remove the battery. Wait for at least one minute, then put the battery back in the slot. That will reset all BIOS settings to default. Maybe that will help, I don't know.