what is the difference between 1ms delay and 5ms delay on monitors

Apr 6, 2018
how many hz is 1ms delay on a monitor for gaming? whats the difference between 1ms and 5ms?

I'm getting an asus 21.5 inch monitor and it says 1ms delay and others say 5ms delay. is there any difference? what is it? what would it be in hz?
(I'm not asking if I will be able to notice the difference).
"Response Time" does not mean delay, don't change the words on your own.

Response time and delay both have nothing to do with refresh rate. A display refreshing at 200 Hz would have a 5 ms time interval between refreshes, but that is completely independent of response time and delay.
Response times deals with how much ghosting you would get. Every 144hz+ monitor I've seen is 1ms. Realistically, response times are an overblown marketing trick. Even with 8ms, you'd have no ghosting issues.