What is the difference between the normal GTX 1080 and the GTX 1080 Founder's Edition? And which one should I get?


Nov 26, 2013
I'm going to purchase two GTX 1080's and go SLI but I was just wondering which card I should get, since there is a normal card and a Founder's Edition one, what are the differences? Is it worth the extra 200 dollars? (since I'm buying two)
Thank you for any replies! :)

Ok, thank you very much, although I have a couple of questions, do you know if there will be a cart limit on the 1080s (I'm trying to order 2) and also how fast do you think they will be sold out? I should be safe if I wait till 12am and order them on day one right?

Oh ok thank you so much, also do you think Amazon or New Egg will allow you to pre order it?

Ok, thank you so much man. I'll be sure to keep checking your forum for updates, I hope I'll be able to order the two 1080s and an SLI bridge without them going sold out.

Is the Zotac version a non-reference card? Like is it overclocked or anything, or you don't know?

Oh I see, so they're basically a retailer like amazon, newegg, bestbuy, etc.?
GTX 1080 for 599 is for brands like asus, evga, pny, and such to buy in mass quantities to get more of a discount. The founders edition is the only one to be released to the public for 700.
BTW both are founders editions, the term "Founders edition" is the new term for reference design. Us consumers have to pay 700 bucks if we want a "Reference design for water blocks at the fastest time possible.

In my opinion no. They will incorporate the vapor chambor like the founders edition has and cost more then 700 dollars and have more fans.

So the Founder's Edition will be just as good as a non-reference card as in terms of cooling? Because I'm going to be going SLI, and airflow in my case is pretty bad lol. Plus the reference design looks pretty sick in my opinion and I really like it. Also is the vapor chamber cooling an exclusive to the 1080 founder's edition and is it really that good?
There's no regular 1080 or founders 1080, they're all the same thing. the 599 1080 you saw is for board members to purchase at MSRP price then slap on their coolers. Yes the vapor chambor is that good. The 1080 was overclocked from 1733 to 2.1ghz and staying at 67c

I hope the cards stay cool in a SLI setup with 1 PCIE port of space between each other, but should I buy the founder's edition 1080 and then overclock the cards manually? Or just wait for board partner cards? Btw, thanks a lot for the advice man.

The "Founders" edition won't have a heat problem in my opinion. Running SLI is what i plan to do with mine with my 6700k till EKWB makes blocks for them. The board partners will generally take about a month to 3 months to make custom coolers for the founders edtions. In my opinion running SLI with the vapor chambor (which no cards have had previously (references)) will only reach a max of 70 for the bottom card, and a max of 75 for the top card. The thermal limit is 105 for the 1080's. Give or take a degree or 3 for a significant overclock.
Aftermarket cards wont take months to launch, expect the usual board partners (MSI Gaming, Gigabyte G1, EVGA ACX etc) cards to be out a few days to weeks after launch.
Nobody can answer how they will run in SLI, or the temps they will get. Dont bother getting recommendation until we have benches.
Considering that the 1080 was running at 67c @ 2.1ghz OVERCLOCKED yes, this is per speculation. But vapor chambors go a long way especially on coolers. How can you say a few days-weeks after launch? The board partners won't even get the cards till the 27th, then they have to be shipped to their HQs from NVIDIA directly, which might take anywhere from a few days to a a week. Then they got to design their first types of coolers, test, redesign, then retest, which at best, AT BEST, will take 3-5 weeks. Sure they're getting a lower price, but if the board partners can't provide better cooling than 67c over NVIDIAs "founders" design than people are going to keep buying the "founders" design, and Nvidia already stated they're going to keep their "founders" 1080s and 1070s on the shelves for its entire life span.

I don't want to wait weeks lol, so would I be good off 2 founder edition's and a just overclocking them manually, combined with the vapor chamber cooling be good enough according to what we know from today?
I'm not waiting weeks or even days, im buying 2x 1080s then paying for a rush order, and 1 day shipping on newegg. If you don't want to wait, then get the founders, they'll serve you well, alot better then the older reference style cards