what is the difference between these two graphics cards?


Sep 29, 2015
What is the difference between these:
XFX Radeon R9 280X 3GB Double Dissipation

XFX Radeon R9 280 3GB Black Edition Double Dissipation

I plan on building a pc for gaming and Im unsure which is better to get. and what the differences are between the two.

thank you for your time.
The 280X is a faster processor, otherwise they are identical. Given the minimal price difference the 280X is far more worth it.

I have 2 of the XFX R9 280 btw its an excellent card, and XFX gives a lifetime warranty, good choice.
The 280X is a faster processor, otherwise they are identical. Given the minimal price difference the 280X is far more worth it.

I have 2 of the XFX R9 280 btw its an excellent card, and XFX gives a lifetime warranty, good choice.
The more expensive card is just a better version of the one bellow, AMD use an 'X' where Nvidea use 'Ti' in terms of naming cards.
The top card has slightly higher spec ie more stream processes etc, I'd go for the 280X if I were you as its only a tiny bit more expensive.

I noticed it said the the r9 280 has 1.0 ghz core clock but he r9 280x has 850mhz doe that make a big difference?
(Im newer to this and unsure what that means.)


The base clock speed is higher on that 280, however the 280X's chipset is faster anyway.

Also you can overclock the 280x a bit to get even more performance. I run both my 280's at 1050mhz, and they came at 933 mhz.