What is The Exact Process of Mail in Rebate?

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Feb 14, 2010

I am non US and I wanted to ask about mail in rebate that many
retailers offer in order to receive product at discounted rate.

How does the entire process work?

Many rebates are not valid for non-US addresses. Read the fine print before buying if a rebate is important.
Otherwise rebates work like this.
You get buy product at full price and get the form to fill out. You include a copy of your sales receipt and usually the ORIGINAL UPC barcode cut out from your item. You mail all three things back to the address on the rebate form and WAIT. In 4 weeks (if you are lucky) to 12 weeks you get a check in the mail.
I used to work for one of those billion dollar companies, whom used to offer rebates all the time. It was MUCH cheaper than lowering the price but always managed to jack up sales in the same way. Reason being is more than half the people buying would either fail to send in the rebate forms in time or make an egregious mistake in sending it negating their rebate.

OP if you're not in the US unless you have someone who IS in the US send it in and redeem it for you, you're not getting it. Every rebate you'll ever find on a product sold in the US is redeemable in the US only.
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