What is the fan mounting holes distance on HD7870?

This is mine card: https://www.techpowerup.com/gpudb/images/b665.jpg
So it is 53x53 , and can I use single fan on this model also?
Thanks in advance man!

In theory yeah sure but the GPU die isn't the only thing getting cooled. VRM and DIMMs need cooling too, and swapping to some random cooler with the same mounting holes could leave them unprotected due to different layout.


So something like this should be ok, but there is no VRAM cooling... http://deepcool.com/product/dcoolingaccessory/vga/2013-12/45_612.shtml

Exactly. Water cooling people are forced to use these often times because their blocks also don't cover the VRMs or DIMMS:


They come in various shapes and sizes depending on what you need of course.
Some of them are aluminum - i'd avoid those. Some are even made of aluminum and painted a copper color - those are terrible.

Thanks again!
For those copper thingies/passive coolers yeah? I heard that you have to have cooler to blow air on them to be cooled.
Also, where do I "paste" them on my card?
As I remember memory is on top (if that is black color plastic ).

Update: I found pic: http://static.nix.ru/autocatalog/sapphire/147666_2241_draft.jpg , do you see that black plastic with horizontal lines, I think that is the VRAM, and I don't know how I will glue that VRAM coolers on that