what is the main cause of restartin when i play high end games on my computer


Nov 9, 2013
hello guys i am facing a new problem here again and that is as i bought this gpu zotzc 750 non ti version last tuesday and put it on use as usual so on first use it rendred preety good performance but after two days im facing these new problem, my system is restartin on by itself while playing games like batman origin , far cry 3 im preety confused here im doubting my psu here but i want to be sure on everything \, ive solitaire powerzen 500 watt psu which is one and half years old. i donno its brand auality as ive no knowledge on hardware so please any1 any ideas to offerr please go ahead im very anxious to try it out ..... and yes one more thing when i connect my cpu on main line (i mean not through ups) it work normally even playing the above games no restartin and all and i wen i connect it to ups after playin a few minnutes my ups beeps for a second and my display goes colour less and restarts itself ........
my specs are as these
amd fx 4100
mobo asus m5a78lmlx
corsair vengeance 4 gb
23 inch led lg monitor
psu 500 watt solitaire poerzen
zotzc 750 non ti 1 gb ddr5
ups apc 600w
Usually, the PSU is the first thing that breaks down from aging, heavy load, poor design, sub-par or under-rated components.

Since I do not think I have ever seen your PSU brand before, my first guess would be that it is a questionable off-brand contraption.
you said it happens when connected through your ups. so the issue is more than likely between the ups and the power supply being that you said your system works fine when connected through the wall directly. have you ran a diagnostic check on the UPS to see if the battery or parts of it are going bad? if your power supply is going bad and causing the UPS to act all wonky and deliver varying power to the computer it could cause a lot of wear and tear over time and have made the UPS faulty as it tries to constantly correct and supply a steady stream of standard power. so what do i suggest....

First if you have a no name brand power supply, get rid of it and buy a name brand one. test out new power supply by directly plugging it into the wall for a few days and gaming to see if it crashes. no crash means new brand name power supply is good. now after that connect it through the UPS, if you start having the same problems like before then your UPS is toast and needs to be fixed or replaced. that's about what i think

for your new PSU purchase a 80 plus bronze certafied power supply of at lest 430 watss, but preferably 550 watts for the test.