What is the max temperature my AMD FX-6300 can handle?

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Dec 18, 2013
Apparently 65 C is the maximum safe temperature a CPU can handle, however I've had my AMD FX-6300 max out at 82 C. Is my CPU made of Jesus or something?
65oC is the manufacturer's maximum safe temp for long periods of time, it doesn't mean it will suddenly die if it reaches over 65oC so no your CPU isn't made out of Jesus lol.

You should really try and cool down your CPU more if it is able to reach those temps.

At idle it should be about 20-40c but max should be 70c when it shuts down. My Fx 6300 was idle at 48c whilst doing nothing and when i played Fallout 4 on ultra it rised by 5c and i couldnt notice a difference in noise in my hyper 212 evo and after cleaning it and adding an extra fan my cpu was idle at 35c
If you visit the AMD site in the USA (http://products.amd.com/en-us/search/CPU/AMD-FX-Series/) , it clearly shows that the maximum operating temp. for the FX 6300 is 70.5 C, while for 8 core CPUs such as the FX 8350 it is 61 c. In my experience using AMD Overdrive this tallies up perfectly with the readings I get in HWiNFO and HWMonitor in Windows for the CPU core when temps get above 40 odd C. With those monitoring programs showing for instance 50 C. the Thermal Margin figure shows 20 C. (20 + 50=70).

In the Tomshardware article: "An Understanding of Temperature on AMD CPUs and APUs" it clearly states that: "It is perfectly safe to operate in the full envelope of thermal margin. When thermal margin runs out, your CPU/APU will throttle to a lower power state until back in the thermal margin".
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