Hi..I really appreciate both of you for reaching out to me with answers to my question. I thought that "0602" was the most recent version of the bios, but needed to confirm this. "0602", is the version that I have installed on my system and has been for a very long time.
I really didn't expect to receive an answer from anyone, as this is usually the case...at least for me anyway. Or, I get some people that...well, let's just say..." that absolutely, waste my time" (being "nice"...obviously").
This is a "custom-build" system that I put together about 4 years ago...or around. I put quite a bit of time and a lot of money into this build...both with hardware and with ton's of software. I wonder if there is a way to post some images of my system on here...I suppose I could have a look see, when I get some free-time.
I would really love to put another one together (of my own...not for anyone else. not any longer, as I just don't have time) sometime soon. Only because of "Big Business" and "Technology" changing so often.
Thanks very much, once again you guy's and have a pleasant day!
(gonna try to post some images soon)