I bought an Ryzen 1800X in the recent Newegg sale and I see that there are a lot of motherboards that are exceptionally well priced such as this: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128991&cm_re=gigabyte_b350-_-13-128-991-_-Product
My question is what advantages do boards like the Asus Maximus Hero have over this board? I want a modest overclock but nothing wild, and I'll mainly be keeping to gaming and maybe some rendering here and there. So, is there a reason to go for a more expensive motherboard.
My question is what advantages do boards like the Asus Maximus Hero have over this board? I want a modest overclock but nothing wild, and I'll mainly be keeping to gaming and maybe some rendering here and there. So, is there a reason to go for a more expensive motherboard.