What is the power limit (max wattage) on the pcie x16 slot of a Dell Optiplex 580 DT Motherboard?


Apr 28, 2017
I want to know how much power can the Dell Optiplex 580 DT Motherboard's pcie x16 slot provide for a graphics card (not pcie x16 wired at x4)?

This information is wrong. The PCIe lanes of a slot have nothing to do with the power delivery, those are data lanes. All PCIe slots have the same "power section" thats the front section of the slot that has the separator before the data lanes. Nor will a motherboard provide beyond 75w (but some Dell boards provide less as questioned here). In fact a major issue with the release of the RX 480 was it was trying to draw...
Well... a 16X slot can do 75W per spec but can do higher if the motherboard can provide it. 4X i'm guessing half that. If you are asking with your 16X video card can run on a 580 mobo, yes, yes it can. You just need to plug in the extra power cables on the video card and it'll pull the power it needs from there.

This information is wrong. The PCIe lanes of a slot have nothing to do with the power delivery, those are data lanes. All PCIe slots have the same "power section" thats the front section of the slot that has the separator before the data lanes. Nor will a motherboard provide beyond 75w (but some Dell boards provide less as questioned here). In fact a major issue with the release of the RX 480 was it was trying to draw beyond 75w from PCIe slots. AMD fixed this via a driver release. That is what PCIe specs are for.

Even if you have a power supply that can power the GPU if the slot does not supply sufficient power it just doesn't "pull more from the PSU connections" it straight up won't work.

However from the info I can find on the motherboard for this system it does seem that it provides up to the full PCIe spec wattage 75.